Saturday, August 25, 2012

Living In a Little Piece of Heaven

Just as the warm cedar air descends through the late afternoon, so does the cacophonous hustle and bustle of my fair neighbourhood of BW (Brookswood).  If you are unfamiliar with this suburban area, the best way to describe would be a well established community, filled with 1970's houses on large lots, lined with towering pines, firs and cedars.  It reminds me of North Vancouver but less polished.  On any given weekend, especially when the weather is sunny, the inhabitants of BW are busy landscaping, accomplishing renovations, washing trucks and walking their dogs with their families.  Another normal sight is neighbours helping one another out.  For instance, last winter when we actually had snow, a neighbour plowed the street with his truck.  And next weekend, Scott and our best friends, who happen to be our neighbours, are going to put on a new roof.  From taking off dead limps from trees to putting down sod the residents here work hard.  However, once the day falls away to dusk, we all play harder.

When we first moved in four summers ago we didn't know how fortunate we were to live in this neighbourhood, not to mention in this exact location.  We quickly found out about our awesome peeps that live next door and just behind us, in what we call the "inner circle".  They came to our house warming party and were literally the last to leave. I thought to myself they know how to have fun.  And after getting to know each other it was very apparent that the six of us, or crew, knew exactly how to have fun every week.  It has become the norm for all of us to hang out almost every weekend, either Friday or Saturday, sitting in the hot tub or by the camp fire, until the wee hours of the morning.  We do this so often that we built a gate between the fences so our yards are connected.  Most people find it strange or odd that we are so close with our neighbours, especially since there is a little age gap.  But for us, we don't see it.  It has never been an issue.  All that matters to us is that we have great laughs and experience all that comes along with life together. Together, we have rallied for one another when one of us needs some extra support.  Our peeps were the ones to stick close by to us when Scott had his surgery earlier this year.  They brought food, came for visits and even mowed our lawn.  And over the years, Scott and I have returned the love and support to all of them. Spending time together is easy and spontaneous, since their teenagers are almost self sufficient, so they don't need to find sitters in order to go out.  This bods well for Scott and I as the rest of our social circle is filled with couples with babies and toddlers, and it is so difficult to get a night out without the kids in tow.

So last night around the camp fire we all fantasied about winning the big lottery.  And I kept thinking what if we did win?  Would we all stay in BW or move to newer, larger homes?  I have to say, I hope we either find three houses in a row for sale, or just continue living here, with upgrades.  I can't imagine what will happen when one of us decides to move away.  It will be the end of era that's for sure.  Scott and I have no plans on ever leaving BW, but our friends here have teenagers, and eventually they will be empty- nesters, which could mean they may down size.  But with the rate of kids living at home until their late twenties is on the rise, we may luck out :)

So in honour of BW, we are having a big "Deep Fry" and then attending the block party down the way tonight.  It should be a blast!

What is great about your neighbourhood?  Tell me, I'd love to hear about it.

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