Friday, February 28, 2014

Did You Say Nap? Sign Me Up

The other day my sister called at 5:30 pm just as my husband and I were about to have a nap.  I answered amusingly explaining how we were hunkered down on the couch with blankets ready for a quick snooze before making dinner.  My sister exclaimed she couldn't remember the last time she had a nap, let alone one at prime time (5:30) in a house where her two kids were running around waiting for dinner.  It was then we both realized our daily lives are polar opposites.  My sister has two beautiful girls -3 and 8 years old, and like most moms she is busy with them from the time she gets up to when they eventually go to bed.  It's a fine dance that she does well.  The more we talked about it the more we discovered the things I do an a daily or weekly basis are activities she dreams of doing when her two "mini-me's" go away on vacation to visit their grandparents.

So here is a top six list of regular daily things I take for granted because I'm child-free

1. Only having to get myself up and ready for the day.

2. Spontaneously go to the store to pick things up.  I don't have to bundle up kids and pack them with me to the store to pick up a bottle of wine or a stick of butter.   When I need to go out I just do.

3.Soak in a tub of bubbles and let the world melt away without any interruptions

4. Cook and eat whatever, whenever for dinner

5. Stay up late and not worry about getting up with little ones.  This goes along with uninterrupted sleep, which is a struggle for parents of young children.

6. Indulge in going to the gym or yoga class whenever I please for hours.

So after creating this list I thought of the things I don't get to do on a regular basis because I don't have kids.  I know I miss out in these things because I hear about them from my mom- friends.

1. Celebrate holiday traditions I grew up enjoying, like carve pumpkins (isn't not the same as an adult); dye and hunt for Easter eggs; and decorating gingerbread houses.

2. Building snowmen and fanning snow angels in the snow

3. Parking in the "parent" spot at the grocery store

4. Watching animated movies at the theater without strange looks

5. Early morning snuggles under a blanket while taking in some Sesame Street

6. Playing summer games like hop scotch, hula hoop, and draw with chalk in the driveway

So my sister and I have varying busy lives, but one thing is for sure we love chatting on the phone while cooking or washing dishes.