#1 In Sickness and In Health
From January to May all our energy focused on trying to get Scott hernia surgery. Between dealing with BC's underfunded medical system and pain management we nearly lost or minds. I felt helpless in the whole situation; just watching the love of my life go through so much pain with no certainty that it would ever end. Finally after months of waiting Scott ended up with near emergency surgery thanks to a friend of ours who called in a favor.
We let ourselves have a break in March with our annual long weekend trip to Sechelt. Massages, a stroll on the beach, eating at The Lighthouse pub and one fine dinner, at the place we said our vows- Rockwater Lodge, fit the bill. This reprieve helped us solider on until surgery.
#2 Traveling
By the summer we needed to recharge our batteries. July kicked off with a trip with our friends to Shuswap lake for sun, fun and lots of laughs. And of course an enormous amount of scrumptious food.
Then Scott and I embarked on our Icelandic adventure; a 10 day road trip that reignited a spark in us. We saw things we could never imagine seeing, ate some of the best food in the world, and fell in love with this awe inspiring country and its people. My four part blog series certainly captured the passion for Iceland.
Once home I ventured off again to visit with my family back in Shuswap. Went tubing with my nieces, which was something I haven't done in years.
In November the Brookswood crew vacationed in Whistler for Cornucopia Wine
and Food festival. An epic first vacation together. Thinking this will happen again in 2016. Then I visited my sister and her lovely family in Drayton Valley. It was what I needed as the chaos at home was a brewing.
#3 Bittersweet Renovations
One hot summer night, over a bottle of wine we entertained the notion of a kitchen and flooring renovation. Even though it was exciting to start this house transformation it did not happen easily. Delays on the kitchen cabinets pushed time lines out and before we knew it the time Scott had off to do the renovation disappeared. So we had to work on the renovations during the weekends. Thank goodness for a few helping hands along the way. I learned a lot about large renovations, like they never go as planned, though the mess and chaos seem endless it is worth it when it's done, and that you need to be organized. People joke that the fine renovation dust that covers your house is called divorce dust. We didn't come close to that during the renovation but there were some tense moments, and in true Margo fashion a few tears.
While the renovations took place life continued to move along. I started my 10th year at Sullivan Heights, Triggs had surgery on his neck, and Scott had to entertain new clients as his main one went belly up. And sadly one of my aunts passed away.
There we have it. 2015 all wrapped up. Here is hoping 2016 is even more magical, with lots of love and health. Happy New Year my dear friends and family.
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