Mayor, Council Members and fellow Brookswood Families, my name is Margo Freeman and I
live at 19721 41A Ave, right off the proposed expansion of 40th Ave
and 196th street.
I'm here tonight to ask to you to vote NO to the proposed
Community Plan. My husband and I moved
here five year ago from the over-populated, concrete slab, called
Willoughby. We were sick of the noise pollution,
heavy traffic and lack of green space.
We left this hustle and bustle way of life to seek a quieter location,
filled with clean air, and nature on our door step. We thought we’d have to move to a rural town
up North, but we were soon elated not only to find Brookswood but also our parcel of
land. Who could dream of a street where
you can consider your neighbours your friends, where ancient cedars line the
streets and shade your house from the beating sun? Where you can watch bald
eagles soar overhead, and observe birds nesting in the trees? We couldn’t believe we had found a street
that is so nestled in that you feel secluded from the rest of the world and you
can walk mere steps into a lush forest rich with wildlife and trails. We had found paradise, and anyone who visits
remarks on how lucky we are to live here.
I thought we’d plant deep roots of our own beside
the firs and walnut trees in our yard.
We planned on building a life for decades here. Why would we want to leave? Every day when I leave the concrete jungle of
Langley City and cross over the boundary into Brookwood it is like there is an
audible sigh and relief and I have entered a small town. I love that.
On 196th street and 40th it is
quiet. Children play in the street
and their laughter lingers in the air. There isn’t that constant truck and
car noise pollution that would be there instead if this proposal goes through. There won’t be children playing on a major
road way. Only noise. I didn’t move to this street to live in a
concrete world full of noise and dangerous drivers. I don’t think any of my neighbours did
either, especially the ones on 196th and 40th. We enjoy having our space and privacy. We thrive on the notion our street is
safe. If these plans go through we live
next to a dangerous road with easy access for all sorts of people who may want to
rob and harm us.
We did not plan to raise families and build legacies
mirrored off of 200th and 72nd. If this plan goes ahead, everything we strive
to protect, strive to maintain will be lost.
Our sense of community and our way of life will cease to exist. You will destroy and devastate so many lives
here. Not to mention the environmental
impact. No more birds, no more rabbits,
no more deer. All gone.
Please Vote NO
If you feel the same way speak up and attend the Brookswood
Rally on March 22nd at the Brookswood Water park at noon!!!
Don't Keep Calm, Keep Fighting On Brookswood!
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