Last year I decided to give up 'New Years Resolutions' and instead adopt a word or a phrase that I would focus my life around. Last year's word was detoxify; a very weighted word. One that many people felt was harsh. Regardless I think I was successful in eliminating the negative people, and toxic self-talk out of my life (for the most part.). This year's
word is breathe...
A simple, euphonic word. It is not just the inherent need to fill my lungs with oxygen, but also a metaphoric desire to put life in perspective. In the Autumn of 2013, I met with a personal coach, who helped me with many aspects of my life; the biggest of which was focusing on what is most important in my life and live honouring that. Yes, regular, everyday chores and work need to get done, but not at the price of neglecting my inner -self and the ones I love.
So how does this tie into breathing? Well, I have taken to listening to my body more and have noticed what I crave is inner-peace. I want to be healthy and reduce stress, and oxygen helps with both. So instead of forcing on a type of exercise I don't enjoy (which I've been doing for a while now), I have focused on practising yoga as a means to find a balanced, healthy lifestyle. My favourite part, but most challenging is the Shavasana (the meditation and deep breathing portion.) I find it hard to calm my thoughts most days, as I spend my days teaching, which requires a jugglers mind- a handful of thoughts working at he same time. Yoga is teaching me to slow my thoughts and quieten them from time to time. I also find that after a class I feel light, and airy, not a care in the world.
I've also decided to forgo the "I need to lose weight" adage and adopt the " I want to be healthy." This outlook can only be achieved by breathing. In times of stress and frustration I breathe. In times of uncertainty I breathe. To ward off illness I breathe.
Will this work in every moment of everyday, probably not- I'm human. But I will try to breathe as deeply and as much as I can in 2014 and hope I find a happy, healthy and balanced year.
What is your word or resolution this year?