Picture yourself with the one you love, sitting at a white linen covered table for two, candle light glowing, gazing into each others eyes, enjoying an exquisite feast, when all of a sudden two screaming toddlers hurl themselves down the aisle of this well appointed restaurant. Poof romance gone; date night ruined. This scene happens all to often to my husband and I that we are getting to the point where we don't know where to go for a romantic dinner, as kids seem to be at every restaurant and any given time. This doesn't mean all kids who are at fine dining places act like this, but there seems to be a trend of young children eating at eateries that do not cater to such a young clientele. Places where there isn't a change table in the washroom, no kids menu or high chairs. Case in point, my birthday dinner at Eighteen 27 in Fort Langley, last year. We arrived at 8:00 pm and were seated next to a couple with an over tired baby, who was throwing his food on the floor and screaming. Parents were sitting there pretending this wasn't going on. Later in the night I met 'mom' in the restroom and she complains to me that there isn't a change table so she changed her son in the middle of the washroom floor. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to wash my hands and leave.
My husband and I lead busy lives so our date nights are precious to us, and since we don't have children we don't want to be disturbed by them when we go out for a nice dinner. In order to avoid this we try to eat at expensive establishments, where one would not find kid friendly atmosphere or food; it doesn't help. We try eating later when little Johnny and Suzy should be in bed; it doesn't help. Our only saving grace were pubs; not the most romantic of places, but at least no one would be throwing a tantrum at the next table, while I'm engaging in an adult conversation. But ever since the new liquor laws in BC have come into effect kids can eat almost anywhere. Long gone are the pub style breakfasts, where I used to be able to drink my mimosa and eat my 'eggs benny' without a whiny kid complaining he doesn't like the food. No kidding he doesn't; it didn't come in a pirate boat with a toy.
I can understand that parents want to eat in nice places too, but you must consider the other guests when you bring your children along on date night. Can they sit quietly for the entire meal without throwing food, a fit or running around? If not, then don't take them to the hottest spot in town, where couples are having a night out. I can guarantee my evening will be ruined when little Johnny is bored without his colouring book or i-Pad and he tells the whole restaurant. Or worse yet he runs around bumping into patrons chairs or the servers. Its' rude and disrespectful.
My date nights are just as important as your nights out too so please respect that.