Picture yourself with the one you love, sitting at a white linen covered table for two, candle light glowing, gazing into each others eyes, enjoying an exquisite feast, when all of a sudden two screaming toddlers hurl themselves down the aisle of this well appointed restaurant. Poof romance gone; date night ruined. This scene happens all to often to my husband and I that we are getting to the point where we don't know where to go for a romantic dinner, as kids seem to be at every restaurant and any given time. This doesn't mean all kids who are at fine dining places act like this, but there seems to be a trend of young children eating at eateries that do not cater to such a young clientele. Places where there isn't a change table in the washroom, no kids menu or high chairs. Case in point, my birthday dinner at Eighteen 27 in Fort Langley, last year. We arrived at 8:00 pm and were seated next to a couple with an over tired baby, who was throwing his food on the floor and screaming. Parents were sitting there pretending this wasn't going on. Later in the night I met 'mom' in the restroom and she complains to me that there isn't a change table so she changed her son in the middle of the washroom floor. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to wash my hands and leave.
My husband and I lead busy lives so our date nights are precious to us, and since we don't have children we don't want to be disturbed by them when we go out for a nice dinner. In order to avoid this we try to eat at expensive establishments, where one would not find kid friendly atmosphere or food; it doesn't help. We try eating later when little Johnny and Suzy should be in bed; it doesn't help. Our only saving grace were pubs; not the most romantic of places, but at least no one would be throwing a tantrum at the next table, while I'm engaging in an adult conversation. But ever since the new liquor laws in BC have come into effect kids can eat almost anywhere. Long gone are the pub style breakfasts, where I used to be able to drink my mimosa and eat my 'eggs benny' without a whiny kid complaining he doesn't like the food. No kidding he doesn't; it didn't come in a pirate boat with a toy.
I can understand that parents want to eat in nice places too, but you must consider the other guests when you bring your children along on date night. Can they sit quietly for the entire meal without throwing food, a fit or running around? If not, then don't take them to the hottest spot in town, where couples are having a night out. I can guarantee my evening will be ruined when little Johnny is bored without his colouring book or i-Pad and he tells the whole restaurant. Or worse yet he runs around bumping into patrons chairs or the servers. Its' rude and disrespectful.
My date nights are just as important as your nights out too so please respect that.
It's a blog about living child free and my life's passions: my family, my dog, food/wine and writing my novel
Friday, November 13, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
In Memory of Joy
As the trees surrender their leaves and spiders silently spin their webs it is time to slow our pace as nature does and turn inside. It the season of reflection. And this past Thanksgiving weekend, amongst the yard work and consumption of turkey and pumpkin pie I found myself thinking of my late auntie Joy. She untimely went heaven on Oct 3 2015. She was the only one of my aunts that I call auntie. This terms holds a softer tone most fitting for Joy. She was more of a grandmother to my sister and me growing up as I believe she thought of us as her grandchildren. I didn't know her past and what she was like as a young woman. I only knew her in her later years. And sadly in the last handful of years I only saw her a handful of times. My most vivid memories of Joy are all from when I was a little girl and our family would visit Joy in Winnipeg. I can still recall her scent,- gentle like a Spring morning, and comforting like a hug from a friend. There are flashes of memories of her that flit through my heart making me smile when I recall them- her reading to my sister and I in a huge comfy chair in her living room. My favourite story she read to us was Billy Goats Gruff because she did the character voices, and though I'd get a little scared I felt safe in her arms on her lap. Late at night, snugly tucked in our beds she'd sit on the edge patting and rubbing our backs until we drifted off to dreamland, and while we sweetly slept she'd wash and iron our clothes.
Joy always pleased and took care of everyone and I never once saw her angry or upset. She made play dough and paste and huge amounts of popcorn to keep us happy. But now when I recall those times the thing that makes me happy is the memory of her voice. I can faintly hear it in the back of my memory, like an old tune I can almost remember the words to. I don't have many memories of Joy the older I got, except for 10 years ago when I was getting married for the first time. She lent me her pearls as my Something Borrowed, and at the end of the night, when I tried to return them she refused to take them back. She said they looked beautiful on me and that I should keep them. When I wear them now I think of Joy and wish I could hold her hand one more time. Hear her laugh one more time. Smell her perfume one more time. See her milky blue eyes one more time.
So many of us will miss her forever and remember her always. I love you Joy.
Joy always pleased and took care of everyone and I never once saw her angry or upset. She made play dough and paste and huge amounts of popcorn to keep us happy. But now when I recall those times the thing that makes me happy is the memory of her voice. I can faintly hear it in the back of my memory, like an old tune I can almost remember the words to. I don't have many memories of Joy the older I got, except for 10 years ago when I was getting married for the first time. She lent me her pearls as my Something Borrowed, and at the end of the night, when I tried to return them she refused to take them back. She said they looked beautiful on me and that I should keep them. When I wear them now I think of Joy and wish I could hold her hand one more time. Hear her laugh one more time. Smell her perfume one more time. See her milky blue eyes one more time.
So many of us will miss her forever and remember her always. I love you Joy.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Iceland: Land of the Midnight Sun- Part 4 of 4 East Meets West
Before we got to Akureyi we stopped at this tiny town called Egilsstadir, which is just past the Eastern Fjords. The drive here was exquisite, unfortunately I got a bit car sick due to the very windy roads. We stopped a few times to look at an orange lighthouse and a cliff side beach. There were many small villages along the way we did not visit, but I've been told they are amazing to see. I was just too nauseous. Before we hit Egilsstar we did stop at tiny roadside gas station for lunch. I had to do a double take when we walked in as the young man behind the counter was a spitting image of my father when he was about 14 years old. That was one thing I found so neat travelling in this country was that I could see parts of my family in the people we met along the way. Being from Icelandic decent I felt close to the residents, like I belonged there.
Just outside of Egilsstadir is a small area called Vllanes, which is where our cottage for night was located. Stomur Cottages is on a horse farm, surrounded by fields and surprisingly, lots of trees. We stayed one night in this tiny, cozy cottage, with a small kitchen and our own washroom.
The next morning we headed to Akureyi, but not before stopping at several waterfalls.
On the other coast is another charming town called Borgarnes, which we stayed for a night. It was deemed as a very romantic place, and I could see why when we strolled along the shore line in the late evening, when it was dusk. We arrived in the early afternoon so that we could go through the Borgarfjordur Museum. They have the neatness display there with hundreds of pictures of Icelandic children in various day to day activities, dating back to the 1800's. I loved walking through it as it reminded me of when I was younger and I'd visit my Amma, and she'd take out all these really old black and white photographs of the family, dating back to when she was a child. So if you have time in Borgarnes then you have to see this exhibit. Another place you have to go to there is the Settlement Restaurant for lunch or dinner. The service and food blew it out of the water for us.
The next day we drove back to Reykjavik through this underwater tunnel that spanned 6 km. Not being exactly comfortable in enclosed spaces I was feeling a little edgy, but that could have also been because it reminded of a scene in the TV series The Walking Dead, where they are in a tunnel full of zombies. Once back in the capital we visited The Perlan, which is gorgeous glassed domed structure, where you can view the city. After that we headed to our last accommodation in Iceland- Icelandair Marina Hotel, right in the Old Harbour. This hotel was modern and artsy. There were wooden sculptures of people and cool, little rooms with funky funrniture to sit and relax in. Somehow we lucked out and got a corner room, with a balcony over looking the harbor, which was so interesting to look at, as they were fixing large ships and tons of people walking around.
Since we were feeling a little sad as this was our last night we dressed up and spent the night in the hotel lounge- Slippbarinn. They had an extensive cocktail and beer menu, as well as some fun appetizers, like lobster flatbread. We stayed up late soaking in the last little bit of Iceland that we could, and actually saw the sun set.
The next morning we headed back to the airport and boarded a plane back to Vancouver. Overall this trip was something I'll never forget. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes as I loved being in Iceland so much. I feel as though we only just scratched the surface of the icy, volcanic, rock. And there was no way I could have done it without my best travel companion, my loving husband Scott.
Stormur Cottage |
The next morning we headed to Akureyi, but not before stopping at several waterfalls.
Borgarnes Harbour |
Our Car |
Borgarnes |
The Perlan |
View from our room Iceland Air Hotel Marina |
Iceland: Land of the Midnight Sun- Part 3 of 4 Akureyri
For dinner that night I had the best meal at Greifinn; it was a an Icelandic Fish Hash. It blew my mind. This simple dish of white fish, potatoes, onions and butter was divine. I loved it so much I made it at home the next week. It was so comforting.
The HOF |
In the morning at our Edda Hotel we had a large breakfast buffet and we hit the road again heading west.
Iceland: Land of The Midnight Sun Part 2 of 4: Vik To Hof
The three year wedding anniversary is traditionally leather, but Scott and I are not ones to really follow tradition; this year we celebrated our wedded bliss by spending time in glaciers and icebergs. These ice formations did not cool our passion though!!

Scott really wanted to hike today so we decided on a hike in Vik up past the church in this grassy hill area. In a field of green and sunshine yellow buttercups we trekked up this hill to over look the village. I think Scott just wanted to check out the family of sheep munching on grass on the side of the hill. After photo ops we clambered down and headed on our adventures for the day.
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The hill we climbed |
The drive from Vik to Hofn is the most diverse I have ever witnessed and of course the pictures never do it justice. You go from farm land to black lava rock, to black sandy dessert, to glacier, to white lava rock fields and back to farm land. As we drove along we spotted strange rock formations in a field, so like most people traveling in Iceland we pulled over. There are so many pullover places to rest and take pictures it seems endless. What we found was a place called "Lucky Rock Towers" created by a farmer years ago. In the information we read that we are supposed to add a rock to a tower to ensure good luck; of course we did.
Lucky Rock Towers |
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Glacier |
Once our pit stop was over we headed back to where we spied many cars veer off the main path on to a gravel road. At the end of the road was the tongue of the glacier. I was gobsmacked to say the least when we got close. Again the pictures cannot possibly show the greatness of this place. I feel so blessed that I got to share this with my husband, especially on our anniversary.
Vatnajokull Glacier |
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Jokulsarlon |

Just another 30 mins and we were in the town of Hofn. Most famous for its lobster. That night we dined on the biggest feast of lobster tails. If you ever find yourself in Hofn I'd suggest making a reservation at Pakkus. I'll never forget the dinner and hospitality of the staff.
That night we stayed at Dyjandi Farmhouse. I was most excited about staying here but not as thrilled as our hostess Olga. She had been awaiting my arrival. It seems as though Olga thought my name was Morgan Freeman, like the actor. She knew it wouldn't be him, but thought that someone with his name was just as exciting. I didn't have the heart to correct her, so for the rest of night there I was known as Morgan. This picturesque horse farm over looked the ocean. The room was comfortable and we got our breakfast in bed. This was the largest of the breakfasts we had- eggs, bread-pudding, toast and jams, cheeses, crackers, coffee, juice and of course skyr ( a thick yogurt that seems to be eaten at any time of day and in every flavor you can imagine). Needless to say we didn't really need lunch that day.
This was the perfect day and the perfect way to spend my anniversary with the man of my dreams.
Iceland: The Land of The Midnight Sun Part 1 of 4 Reykjavik
After years of saying "I want to go to Iceland" Scott and I finally did it and with ten months of planing I was excited and anxious as we landed at Keflavik International Airport. Coming from the scorching heat of B.C. I was not prepared for the biting wind that greeted us at 6:20 am, but the fresh Arctic air that filled my lungs grounded me. I was in the homeland of my ancestors and I wasn't going to let weather or jet lag slow me down.
By the end of the 45 mins bus ride to the capital city of Reykjavik we were ready to explore. Since we couldn't check into our downtown apartment until 2:00, we locked up our luggage and put on an extra layer, as it was only 10 degrees celsius and still windy. From the bus terminal we navigated up the streets and found where our digs would be for a few nights and then headed into downtown for some coffee and food. To our surprise the streets were dead on a Sunday morning and many shops and businesses were not open yet. Eventually we hunkered down in a cafe and had the best cup of coffee. Icelanders know how to make strong, hot coffee, which we couldn't get enough of. Then we explored the trendy streets of Baronsstigur and Bankastraeti, looking in shops and eventually purchasing me a pair of gloves and Scott a toque. It felt more like early Spring to us. Much of the tourists around were donning similar garb like hiking boots, wind breakers and toques. We had our first "Happy Hour" which is common throughout Iceland. Since food and alcohol are expensive, many pubs, bars and cafes have a "happy hour" where the drinks are usually half off. We went to Tiu Droppar, this quaint underground French cafe. It had the best cheese and meat plate ever. Scott and I regaled about this cheese plate for days afterwards.
On our next day we left our small, but functional apartment, which was conveniently located by the tallest building in Reykjavik, the Hallgrimskirkja. This iconic church has the best view of the entire city from up the bell tower. Then we toured through The National Museum. It was well worth the trip if you are interested in the history of Iceland.

After a rest we hiked back to the bus terminal to catch our ride for our snorkeling tour at 4:00. Yes, I said snorkeling. I didn't think there would be such a thing in the Arctic, but there is. Scott and I love to snorkel and try to do it on all of our trips, so when I saw this I jumped at the opportunity. This adventure was something I'd recommend to any experienced snorkeler. We drove to the Thingvellir National Park where we suited up in tight dry suits and then jumped into 3 degree water that had been melted from a glacier and then filtered through lava rock. We were actually swimming between two tectonic plates- North America and Euroasia, called the Silfra fissure. The visibility was astounding in the fissure. Though there wasn't much in terms of marine life to look, the sun streaming into water made the rocks and algae glow aqua, emerald, and golden, which was magical. The only thing that got a little cold was my face.

Once back into town we ate at the Public House Gastro Pub that I'm still tasting the lobster dumplings and braised beef slider from.
Next morning we got our car and started the 7 day road trip on the Ring Road of Iceland. In those days we encountered many sites. The one we saw over and over again were sheep!!! They are everywhere on the side of the road, in the fields. You can't miss them.
On the way to Vik, we stopped at the famous Gulfoss falls. It was a bit of a drive out of the way, but it was spectacular, and worth the drive.

Once back on the road we stopped at a small cafe and had the best bowls of lamb soup. Through mossy hillsides and black lava rock fields we arrived at Dyrholaey, which is a famous black sand beach, where you'll find puffins!!!! Being on the black grainy sand I felt this overwhelming emotion. It was hard to describe. The atmosphere was so hauntingly beautiful. We saw a few puffins nesting in the cliff side and walked the shore line soaking up the misty air.
After a long day of site seeing we finally checked into this lovely bed and breakfast aptly named Kosy Vik. We had this cute, cozy room with a full bathroom. And like all the beds in Iceland there were two comforters, one for each person. Such a brilliant idea. Pizza and wine for dinner by the beach and off for a good nights sleep.

By the end of the 45 mins bus ride to the capital city of Reykjavik we were ready to explore. Since we couldn't check into our downtown apartment until 2:00, we locked up our luggage and put on an extra layer, as it was only 10 degrees celsius and still windy. From the bus terminal we navigated up the streets and found where our digs would be for a few nights and then headed into downtown for some coffee and food. To our surprise the streets were dead on a Sunday morning and many shops and businesses were not open yet. Eventually we hunkered down in a cafe and had the best cup of coffee. Icelanders know how to make strong, hot coffee, which we couldn't get enough of. Then we explored the trendy streets of Baronsstigur and Bankastraeti, looking in shops and eventually purchasing me a pair of gloves and Scott a toque. It felt more like early Spring to us. Much of the tourists around were donning similar garb like hiking boots, wind breakers and toques. We had our first "Happy Hour" which is common throughout Iceland. Since food and alcohol are expensive, many pubs, bars and cafes have a "happy hour" where the drinks are usually half off. We went to Tiu Droppar, this quaint underground French cafe. It had the best cheese and meat plate ever. Scott and I regaled about this cheese plate for days afterwards.
Hallgrimskirkja |
After a rest we hiked back to the bus terminal to catch our ride for our snorkeling tour at 4:00. Yes, I said snorkeling. I didn't think there would be such a thing in the Arctic, but there is. Scott and I love to snorkel and try to do it on all of our trips, so when I saw this I jumped at the opportunity. This adventure was something I'd recommend to any experienced snorkeler. We drove to the Thingvellir National Park where we suited up in tight dry suits and then jumped into 3 degree water that had been melted from a glacier and then filtered through lava rock. We were actually swimming between two tectonic plates- North America and Euroasia, called the Silfra fissure. The visibility was astounding in the fissure. Though there wasn't much in terms of marine life to look, the sun streaming into water made the rocks and algae glow aqua, emerald, and golden, which was magical. The only thing that got a little cold was my face.
Menu from pub |
Next morning we got our car and started the 7 day road trip on the Ring Road of Iceland. In those days we encountered many sites. The one we saw over and over again were sheep!!! They are everywhere on the side of the road, in the fields. You can't miss them.
On the way to Vik, we stopped at the famous Gulfoss falls. It was a bit of a drive out of the way, but it was spectacular, and worth the drive.
Gulfoss Falls |
Once back on the road we stopped at a small cafe and had the best bowls of lamb soup. Through mossy hillsides and black lava rock fields we arrived at Dyrholaey, which is a famous black sand beach, where you'll find puffins!!!! Being on the black grainy sand I felt this overwhelming emotion. It was hard to describe. The atmosphere was so hauntingly beautiful. We saw a few puffins nesting in the cliff side and walked the shore line soaking up the misty air.
After a long day of site seeing we finally checked into this lovely bed and breakfast aptly named Kosy Vik. We had this cute, cozy room with a full bathroom. And like all the beds in Iceland there were two comforters, one for each person. Such a brilliant idea. Pizza and wine for dinner by the beach and off for a good nights sleep.
Lava rock field |
Dyrholaey |
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