Scott and I celebrated 365 days of wedded bliss on July 23rd. Well I'd be lying if I said everyday has been picture perfect, as there has been some mere moments of frustration in our first year of marriage, but nothing serious. They say your first year of marriage is the toughest, if this is true then I really will have an easy time with mine. Naw, I'm not that naive, as this isn't my "first rodeo". Both Scott and I know the mistakes we made the first time around with our exes, so with lessons learned we work hard to ensure our relationship is as solid as possible. Time together, effective communication, and a sense of humour go a long way in creating a happy marriage. Of course there are other things that help- love, patience and some romance to keep the zsa -zsa- zsu going.
So when I mentioned to Scott I wanted to do something special for our anniversary I was just expecting him to take me out for a fine dinner; I never expected a five day celebration for just the two of us. Lately, any time with Scott is precious as he has started a new business. Anyone who owns their own business and is successful knows it takes a lot of time to get things off the ground. So when Scott proposed a trip to my parents' cabin in Shuswap for 4 days it reminded me of his love and commitment he has for me.
We decided to take off for our anniverarymoon the morning after our "Shakespeare in the Vineyard" event. The first day of our five day celebration was spent at Township 7 Winery in Langley. The evening was magical- much as I suspected Shakespeare would want it. We dined on a home-made picnic of BLT sandwiches, grapes, cheese and of course a bottle of Syrah from the Township. We sat in amongst the vines enjoying our feast. Then when the sun sunk behind the trees, we procured seats in the open-air theatre, ready to watch the hilarious comedy, "Comedy of Errors". Over the course of two hours we laughed and drank wine until it was time to go home.
The next morning we took off for the next four days to my parents' cabin in true comfort and style. Now for those of you who have seen this place you know there is almost every thing to make your stay very pleasant: a screened in porch; a large deck with a view of the lake; comfy beds :); and modern conveniences of a dishwasher and laundry room. It is also located across from the golf course, which is bonus for Scott!Oh don't forget the wine!
During these days our regular schedules fell to the wayside and we lived how I'm sure we are supposed to- just by our biological clock. We slept when tired, we ate when hungry, and did as we pleased. One of the childfree perks is that we could focus on each other and indulge our every whim without worrying about anyone else. What did it matter if we ate dinner at 9:00 pm or napped at 2:00 in the afternoon?
What I cherished the most of these days was just having uninterrupted time with Scott. He told me that we should celebrate our anniversary like this every year. I agree. It was more than I could have asked for on our "Paper Anniversary"